A Zoo Day

Today was such a dreary day.  It rained for a little while.  It was cloudy and windy and just an ugly sort of day.  The perfect day to stay indoors.  The perfect day to use our imaginations.  Joseph decided today was the perfect day to pretend we were going to the zoo. 

Joseph got all of the animals ready for a trip to the zoo…

Joseph and William put on their animal hats…

William's hat is a lion; Joseph's is a cow.

William listened very patiently while Joseph performed a short play with his cow hat…yep, it’s not only a hat, but a puppet, too!

Grandma Nury came to visit the zoo, too.  She brought Joseph a pair of binoculars so he could see the animals close up.  Then Joseph taught Grandma how to “march around the zoo” like we do in Itsy Bitsy Yoga. 

March, march, march, march...it's a donkey!

March, march, march, march...now what animal, Joseph?

Our trip to the zoo ended rather abruptly when Joseph realized that he had someone new to play his board game, Fruits of the Spirit, with.  So I fixed lunch while Joseph and Grandma Nury played the game and William continued to chew on the zoo animals.  What an adventure!

One thought on “A Zoo Day

  1. Oh, how cute! I can’t wait to see you all again and play with you. We will have to set a time aside for Grandma Cindy and Grandam Nury though. Let me know what you think. Love,


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